What is the SPLA Program?

At its core, the SPLA Program is designed to help software providers and businesses offer Microsoft product-based software services to third parties. It's structured with flexibility in mind, ensuring that service providers can seamlessly scale their offerings based on demands.

Key Features of the SPLA Program:

Term and Linkage:

The SPLA agreement lasts for three years and is linked to the Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA).

Purpose and Use:

The main objective is to grant software use rights, allowing providers to offer “Software Services” to third parties.

Flexible Pricing and Commitment:

It’s not volume-specific, which means there’s no upfront commitment.
A minimum reporting requirement is set at 100€ after the first six months.

Monthly Reporting:

Organizations are mandated to report their software usage every month.

Latest Software Versions:

One of the biggest draws is the ability to always offer the most recent versions of the software to end-users.

License Models:

The SPLA program offers the following licensing models:

SAL (Subscriber Access License)

Core License

Host/Guest License Model

Pricing and Availability:

The program ensures price protection, and there's even academic pricing available for qualified educational end-users.

Product Downloads:

Products can be easily downloaded through the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC), and e-agreements streamline the process further.


  1. Internal Use: It allows internal usage of the software, but with a stipulation. If internal usage exceeds 50% of the total usage by all end-users, it has to be reported and paid for.
  2. Customer Demonstrations: Providers can use up to 50 active user IDs to showcase Software Services to potential customers, and this usage doesn't need to be reported.
  3. Customer Evaluations: End-customers can try out the software products free of charge for up to 60 days.
  4. Evaluation and Testing: Internally, software can be tested and evaluated for up to 90 days from the day it’s downloaded, at no cost.
  5. Server Administrators: Up to 20 administrators per datacenter can be employed at a given time.