Many SPLA providers have asked if they can deploy user based licensing in the same way AWS does for their cloud environments.  The answer? Yes.  

Dedicated Host

Think of a dedicated host as a physical server that fully yours.  You purchase the size of the host, where it is located, and number of processors and cores required for your solution.  A dedicated host provides alot of licensing options for end users. A partner of the hosting company can use their own SPLA, end users canbring any license they want (with or without SA – think of MSDN, Windows 10,etc) and the hosting company can license everything through their own SPLA as well.  

Dedicated hosts are of course more expensive because it is exclusively yours to use.  To learn more on how AWS defines dedicated hosts, I would reference this section from their website

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is having multiple customers sharing a single host.  Because a host is shared, there are certain licensing restrictions that must be applied.